II Chron. 16:9 says “For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth to show Himself strong on behalf of them whose heart is completely His”. In other words…God is looking for anyone whose heart (thoughts and feelings) are completely His. And when He finds such a person? He will show Himself “strong” on their behalf. What does the word “strong” mean? For a real “eye-opener” read today’s blog.

 Again II Chron. 16:9 says “For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth to show Himself strong on behalf of them whose heart is completely His”. Many versions translate the word “completely” as “perfect”. But the correct translation of the Hebrew word is “completely”. That changes everything. “Perfect” is a condition caused by someone’s efforts. Whereas “completely” is a description of their heart.

Now catch what the verse is saying…God is looking for anyone whose heart (thoughts and feelings) are completely His. And when He finds such a person? God says He will show Himself “strong” on their behalf. The word “strong” here means to “seize an individual, then attach yourself to them…so as to become their strength”. Read that again. In other words when God finds a person whose heart (thoughts and feelings) are “completely” His…HE WILL SEIZE THAT PERSON, ATTACH HIMSELF TO THEM, SO AS TO BECOME THEIR STRENGTH. But wait a moment…that is a promise from the old covenant. How did this promise change with Jesus. Come on you know! GOD NOW COMES INSIDE THAT PERSON!

…And the task of changing a heart? It has always belonged to God. Remember David’s prayer in Psalms 51? …”Create in me a clean heart, and renew a right spirit in me. Cast me not away from Your Presence, and take not your Holy Spirit from me.”

For God to become touchable and tangible in any of us…our heart has to become completely His. And that has never changed. Even Jesus said, “Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God” Matt. 5:8. And the literal translation is, “fortunate and to be envied are those who are clear and clean in their thoughts and feelings, for they shall gaze with wide-open eyes at something remarkable – at God!”

What do I want you to gain from this? That the door to God’s Presence opens when our “thoughts and feelings” are caused to become completely His by the Holy Spirit. And if we ever begin to try to approach God any other way…He will begin to seem distant and demanding.

Spend time thinking about this and give me feedback. I will try to post something to help you understand what makes this door open to God each week…and what causes it to close. Just stick with me. OK?

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One Response to “God Will Change Your Heart…And Show Himself Strong On Your Behalf!”

  1. Why do some people change instantly aond others take a long time. I plead God to give a new heart and does not,